Wednesday, January 2, 2013

DIY Monogrammed Phone Wallpaper

Like any true Southern girl I love my monograms. In the last year or so I have truly fallen head over heels with anything monogrammed. I have a monogrammed purse, necklace, earrings, planner...well the list goes on!

I was looking around Pinterest to see if I could find any DIY wallpapers...I was surprised that I only found one. Unfortunately I had issues with one of the steps and could not go any farther. I believe it may have been because the directions were for Mac and Adobe Acrobat, which I only have Adobe Reader and Windows. So I sat there playing around for about an hour and HELLO, the light bulb went off.  

A few days ago I found an awesome little doohickey on my computer which is Windows version of screenshoot-ing, the snipping tool. I might be super late on this marvelous little tool, but it made my journey to a super chic monogrammed wallpaper very easy.

Now I have an android phone but I am sure this will work with any phone. So just follow along and in no time you will have a great custom made monogrammed wallpaper for your phone!

1. Lets visit For Chic Sake. Here is where you will get your downloadable template. 

2. Click on the Decorate Tab.

3. Scroll down and Click on the Quatrefoil Customized Printable Monogram

4. Pick your color, FYI the bottom color with be the color inside the monogram and the top color with be the background.

5. Follow the instructions on the website on how to download, open and edit the monogram.

6. Here is a screen shot of the monogram opened in Adobe and edited with my initials. 

7. Now here comes the simple part. Open up your snipping tool, or whatever tool you have on your computer to screenshoot. Just to let you know, I have Windows Vista and I believe the only edition that does not have this tool already installed on your computer is Vista Basic. You can Google the "snipping tool" and your version of Windows and download the tool.

8. Here is the "snip" of my monogram.

9. Save your snip. Email it to yourself. Open it on your phone and there you go. Save it to your phone and add it as your wallpaper!

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