Hello World! Well, that is what is recommended to say here for my first post. Personally, I disagree. I would rather go with something more friendly like "Hey y'all, thanks for stopping by." Because what else would a southerner say that is more friendly then "Hey y'all."
But really, thanks for stopping by and welcome to The Beautifully Chaotic.
I have always envisioned this place where I could share the ups and downs of being a mom, simple yet good for you food, wannabe Martha Stewart crafting, fashion tips and styling's. Just because you are mom, doesn't mean you are stuck in mom jeans and flip-flops for the rest of your life.....but then again, some days that is all I can muster. To keep yourself from going crazy each day, you have to step back and see that there is beauty all around you, even when you feel like you are stuck in the middle of a chaotic mess. Don't let life pass you by.
In short, this is a place to vent about the good and the bad, share ideas and of course anything food related- its simplicity, beauty, heck basically its delicious taste.
I must say that I absolutely LOVE this picture! While living in Wilmington, Ft. Fisher was one of our favorite places to be. Some of our family's sweetest memories were made there. I look forward to following your blog, you have some of the neatest ideas. I foresee myself having a pumpkin latte while making some coasters.